
Wir versuchen/informieren auf dieser Seite, ob wir geöffnet haben. Im Default-Fall haben wir „geöffnet, wie geplant“. Sollte es zu Abweichungen kommen, ändern wir den unten angegebenen Status.

Please note our new opening hours for the exam period in summer 2024.

Status: ☕ OPEN as planned today.

Unsere Sommer-Specials sind wieder da!

Our planned* Opening Hours for the exam period in summer semester 2024 (changes are possible):

Tuesday12:00 – 14:00
Wednesday12:00 – 14:00
Thursday12:00 – 14:00

*Due to lack of members, deviations may occur. We try our best 🙂

In the default case we have opened as planned. If this is not the case, we try to inform on this page combined with a „last update“ message that we have closed on that day.